Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why is airsoft so limited in Canada?

So many people are probably wondering: "Why does Canada's airsoft guns have to be plastic, unlike the US's metal airguns?"

The reason for this is simple, the laws of guns in Canada is EXTREMELY strict, nothing close to the gun laws of the states. Too many kids are irresponsible with airsoft guns in Canada resulting in serious injuries causing the law to become more strict over time.

The current law is unless you have a gun licence, Airsoft guns must have a clear or tinted plastic upper and/or lower receiver. The receiver is basically the handle part of the gun up. This is for rifles, and basically the same for pistols. For sniper rifles the law is they must be plastic, but don't have to be clear.

An example of a Canadian Legal Airsoft Gun:

This is an pretty extreme example, here is an example of a BARLEY Canadian legal airsoft gun:

All image credit to


  1. I don't know why :/ thanks for posting

  2. This post made me get up and grab my airsoft gun and I fired a couple rounds.

  3. I think part of the reason is that metal guns look alot like real guns. So for the same reason the starting pistol was banned these guns have to be limited too. Can't have kids scaring you to death.

    1. It is because we live in police state of canada especially ontario.Cops are scered of teens with plastic guns.All over europe u can c kids playing in street with mostly spring airsoft guns and every street toy wendor has them for sale.Fact is in my town in ontario only one cop dyed since 20's as result of gun play and one killed himself.In general cops in canada are dicks including my brother!

  4. i live in the us and most places do not sell any fake metal gun

  5. The Canadian Government is pretty strict but i think having a gun even a soft gun is pretty dangerous.

  6. This interests me, but i'd still say move to texas for airsoft, its great down here.

  7. Interesting I didn't think they were that strict, maybe it's for the best.

  8. serious injury with a airsoft gun HAHAHAH!

    these are toys, for babies. anyone over 10 should have moved up to .22 cal rifles by now

  9. God dam I want one of these lol

  10. now i need to bust out my old gear

  11. My friend has a bunch, M16 that is barley legal. Maybe the same in the picture?

  12. Not sure why there are such strong regulations on airsoft guns - It's not like they are inherently dangerous at all.

  13. The law is really strict in Denmark as well, used to hate it when I was a kid ;)

  14. Try living in the UK, the guns have to be two tone now...

  15. don't think we can get any of this stuff in aus..

  16. Iv not played airsoft in years

  17. Bad things happen when I play with air soft guns o.o

  18. I don't get what realism has to do with this. The point isn't that they look real, but rather the whole "shoot your friends while they're sleeping" aspect.

  19. I think the laws over here in UK are even more strict.

  20. strict gun laws bad for you.. loose gun laws bad for me... I'm american

  21. Sucks it's so limited, cool guns though...

  22. They still look pretty realistic to me

  23. I was tempted to buy one of these on sale off craigslist.

  24. It's a pity, they're incredible fun here

  25. I like soft-air, have you ever tried laser-tag?
